It's that time of week again, the good old Healthy You Challenge check-in.
Drum roll please........I actually get to keep my "5lb Loss" button. I lost 6 pounds this last week, yea me!
Scale victory aside, I have had quite a few non scale victories as well or maybe you could call them "light bulb" moments. I've been journaling and really trying to go inwards as to why I have the eating habits I have.
During the Women of Faith conference I went to a couple of weeks ago God spoke to my heart and at least four speakers talked about weight loss or battles-what was up with that?
See, the thing that has really been weighing on me is my weight (no pun intended). I am very self-conscious about it and if I am going to be honest has put a big dent in my self-esteem. I did not just wake up one morning over weight, somewhere during elementary school my weight started to become a battle. Not bad but I was the one that was just a little bigger then everyone else, that followed through high school. As with lots of people I lost and found the weight several times but the real challenge was after having children. Heaviness runs in my family but I can't use that as an excuse because I now with God and a concentrated effort I can control this.
During the conference I heard the statement "Satan created more and says more is better." In some cases more is better: friends family, etc... Well I guess I sure fell into his hands where eating is concerned. Just had a "light bulb" moment; I'm going to post that statement in my kitchen.
When we are obsessed with something we can never get enough, I do believe that I am obsessed with food. After all my motto is was "I don't eat to live I live to eat." In Psalms 46:10 it says "Be still and now that I am God." We need to let go and let God do His thing, give the problem to Him and listen.
I am giving him my "Shame" card, shame because I let food run my life, shame because I don't have control over that food, shame because of my physical condition and limitations. I give it to God and thank Him for it. I have and still am learning so much because of this experience.
Praise God for new days and new opportunities.
Congratulations Sheryl!! Day by day..... xoxo
Six pounds? In one week? Woohoo! Good for you. Now THAT'S definitely showing some conentrated effort. Keep up the good work!
And this? "Satan created more and says more is better." I love it. Think I'll put it on my refrigerator, too.
Good for you! I love this post because I've had similiar feelings lately. I think that sometimes God allows us to wallow in whatever we're struggling with (shame, greed, jealousy, anger, gluttony, etc.) for awhile before He says, "now - now's your time to conquer this issue". I feel like I'm at that place and you seem to be too. I'll be praying for you.
I'm still stunned over your 6 pounds in 1 week loss. Is it wrong for me to be jealous? LOL
You'll lose the weight. WW DOES work and will teach you new eating habits that you can use the rest of your life. You're doing great.
WOW! You are doing wonderful. I'm so proud of you. Thanks so much for you inspirational words. I'm going to write and remember them myself.
I'm so very proud of you! Mostly for the work you're doing on the inside, but also for the six pounds! Do you know this song: I'm trading my sorrows, I'm trading my pain. I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord. Add Shame to that list and trade it in!
Dude - 6 pounds?!?! That's awesome! Congrats on pulling such an awesome number!!
Great job, Sheryl! Thanks so muc for sharing what you learned at the conference. I just wrote a "Be still..." post. I haven't published it yet, but it's coming soon. :)
Six pounds is amazing!! This was a great post. God is good! :)
Congrats on the 6-lb loss!!! That is amazing!! And only in one week??
I love the new look of your blog! So pretty! :>
Congrats on your 6 pound loss and on your light bulb moment!
Yahoo... 6 pounds is great! Lift a 5 lb of sugar and it will give you an example of your 6 pounds loss. Congrats! xoxo
Awesome weight loss! Keep up the good work!
Congrats on the great loss this week!
Personally, I don't think Satan "created" anything. He doesn't have that power. He corrupted and twisted the good things God created and God is the only Creator. We ourselves choose to disobey God and believe the lies of Satan.
Path to Health
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