Guess you were wondering if I was going to continue with the "HYC". The intent was and still is to continue. But I have been too ashamed to post a weekly progress. You see, there has been no progress, not on the scale anyway. The five pounds I lost, yup gained them back-but I couldn't bring myself to take away my 5 lbs lost button. I felt like it would make me more of a failure then I already was at this healthy challenge.
As I reflect, even though there may not have been progress with the scale there has been been forward progress in my head and in my heart. Every time I would put something in my mouth I thought about the scale and what it was going to do. Am I really worshipping the bathroom scale? What's that saying....?
As you have already read, I went to a Women Of Faith conference this last weekend and God spoke directly to my heart. The majority of the speakers talked about their weight struggles in one way or another. I thought that was a little odd since that was foremost on my mind right now. Over the weekend, with God's guidance, I found and joined the Weight Watchers online program and I am very excited about it!
Yesterday was my first official day of tracking what I ate and my activity. Just yesterday alone I realized with my scheduled I will have to make it a point/schedule time in for some loving movement. Exercise does not come natural to me right now and I will need to make an effort.
So, that's where I am right now. I will not worship the bathroom scale, I worship only ONE and that is Jesus Christ, with him I can do anything.
Congrats to you. I also have to give up worshiping that scale and I have to give up emotional eating and move more. It a big problem for me. Wishing you all the best.
Congrats on joining WW. The plan does work. Just follow it and the pounds will come off. You'll see. :)
Did you get my email yesterday? If you need help with anything please fel free to contact me. I may not have the answer but I might know where to find it. :)
There's kind of a learning curve at first. You have to figure out the points of foods and it's kind of awkward at first when planning meals. It does get easier.
Forgot to mention: you might want to take your measurements now. I could kick myself for not doing this but I was too ashamed to see the numbers. Now I really wish I would have done it.
Yay! I'm glad you took the step and joined! Did you get the app? =)
WW is wonderful! Kelly is right...just follow it and the pounds will come off.
I just go by whether my clothes fit or not. I have not been on the scale for a long time. I am a pretty active person in general. Now that the weather is nice, I get out more and the dogs get a very long long long walk..... please don't be so hard on yourself. xoxo
I, too am struggling...gained everything I worked so hard to lose back...We will keep praying and working together..."from East to West.."
Great job with recommitting and deciding to join Weight Watchers. And you shouldn't feel embarrassed about your progress - we've all had and have our struggles
You sound very motivated with WW. I have known a lot of people that have been very successful on it. You may already know this but there is also another great site that goes great with the Weight Watchers plan. It's www.dwlz.com - dotties weightloss zone. She has tons of recipes, support, advice etc. for those on Weight Watchers. Cheering you on!!!
There are many of us out here who lost then gained it back. What counts is getting back on track and taking the best care of the temple God has give us while on this earth. Blessings to you on the journey.
Path to Health
I'm trying very hard not to worship the scale as well. I recently took a healthy living class through the Seventh Day Adventist church. One of the things that was stressed over the 12 week session was that, each day, we need to commit our diet to God and ask Him for the courage and strength to eat right. As a Christian, I should have known that and been doing it as all along but I hadn't been. This time around, I've committed my efforts to God and as I am faithful to Him, He will be faithful to me. I know that you'll do it this time.
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