I go into a small bathroom at work, sit down and start taking care of business. I look up and there on the wall across from me in all it's glory is a spider about the size of a 50 cent piece (w/ legs). He wasn't even three feet from me. Well let me tell you, that got my attention real quick.
I started talking to the spider (seriously, I did) telling it if he stays where he's at I'll finish up and leave him be. I didn't want to have to get close enough to kit it - not even with my shoe because that would have left spider guts on the wall and I wasn't going to get close enough to clean up that either.
Now I'm standing at the sink, the side of the sink mind you, I am not about to turn my back on him. Who knows, he could become a ninja spider and attack me when I'm not looking, you know how spiders can be. I put my hands under the water and at the same time thought I felt something on my arm. Yes, I am now screaming in the bathroom and no there was nothing on my arm. Just my imagination taking off with me.....sure felt real.
I proceed to get a coworker to take care of the eight legged problem. Now we have three people standing around this small bathroom. One person is in the bathroom looking for the spider. She's going to save it and take it outside. Another person is standing outside the bathroom armed with a fly swatter and this women knows how to use her fly swatter.
Great - spider can't be found, the thing can't move that fast. Then lady with the fly swatter yells, "there it is" and jumps back. Me, the brave soul that I am, starts pushing her elbow from behind saying, "kill it, kill it". Yes, spider in conversing with his maker as I write this.
Crisis averted, I know spiders have a place in this world, but NOT in the bathroom, especially when I'm in there.
I DON'T do spiders, so this story of yours made my skin crawl...BIG TIME! I just read your post about going to see "Wicked" with your 17 year old daughter...I am SO jealous! I am a huge Broadway musical addict and "Wicked" in one that's on my "must see" list. So glad the two of you had a fabulous time!
Spiders are very creepy. I was bitten by a spider on a beach in Tortola. I had a fever for a week.
I'm sorry for your discomfort, but I loved this post and the way you wrote it. I busted up laughing here all too early in the morning.
LOL!!!!! I have had so many spiders on me in my life it's not even funny. SInce I am a nature girl at ehart I have walked through webs and had the same sized spiders on my face before. I can do a pretty god dance when that happens. Have been bitten so many time even by a brown recluse. Now that was fun!
No, I don't like spiders either but they seem to think that I am tasty.
Oh Sheryl that is funny AND creepy!! What a funny co-worker story too! I personally don't mind spiders as they are unattractive, but very helpful members of society. I am with your co-worker....If it is possible, I always capture, then relocate them (ok..sometimes I do vacuum them up...) ...
It is like you lived through one of my greatest fears...being "trapped" with a creepy crawly spider....
too funny! My dad owns a pest control business. So I don't do well with bugs either since he always made sure we didn't have ANY! Lol
I'm cracking up at this one. That spider had to go. I'm with you.
I had my hand over my mouth the entire time I was reading. I HATE SPIDERS, CAN'T STAND THEM! Screammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I would have smeared spider guts all over the wall while screaming.
I see you know April (1st commenter). I love her!!! She is one of my friends.
Have a great day!
That's an interesting story. It's almost as if I am reading a story about myself. LOL I would have reacted the exact same way! Humph... Spiders are little nasty buggers. It always makes me wonder why God created them. Yet I realize God doesn't create anything without a reason.
I was always the appointed spider killer in our office. Spiders I can handle - mice are another thing entirely to me so I understand your fear!
Oh this was funny! I'm not a great fan of spiders either. I think you handled the situation well ;).
From SITS!
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