Through these last 19 years we have been through a lot of life's experiences together and there is no one else I would rather have and still am taking that ride with.
We've been through the birth of two wonderful daughters, the lose of three grandparents, three parents, two cousins and made three moves (one out of town). We've watch our daughters grow up into beautiful young women with one of them graduating this year, spreading her wings and beginning a new chapter in her life.

And that is what we've done, we have become one, feeling each others excitement and sorrows.

We chose to use wedding rings to signify our love and commitment to each other. A ring has neither a beginning nor an end. Our love for each other may have had a beginning but like the ring there is no end. I love you so much. With every day, every trial, every mountain top experience that love for you only gets stronger and deeper.

Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Mark 10:9
Happy Anniversary!!!! Your wedding day was absolutely beautiful. What a gorgeous bride! You sound so much in love. :)
Hope you guys get to do something special!
Happy Anniversary cheers to many more ahead!
The traditional gift for the 19th year is Bronze....
Congratulations on a happy marriage. I enjoyed the views of your wedding and those CAKES!!! You were such a pretty bride! I wish you and your husband much happiness!! xoxo
Happy Anniversary! Is that hair on his head? =)
awwwww....happy anniversary! Great post!!
Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you many more happy years to go. Enjoy your day.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!! What a lovely wedding. You guys look so happy. :)
Our 19th anniversary is coming up this year too.
How beautiful. Happy Anniversary! :)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! What a beautiful bride you are!! I love you wedding dress and your cake, oh my stars, it is really pretty. I also love the candles, I'd love to see more pics sometime. Beautiful.
Have a Blessed and Beautiful Anniversary,
Beautiful wedding photos! Happy Anniversary!!!
Just stumbled upon your blog, and am following you. Happy Anniversary!!!
May there be many many more wonderful, happy years awaiting!! :>
I'm late on the anniversary wishes. Happy Belated Anniversary!!! I hope you had a wonderful day/evening together. xoxo
Beautiful post. I'm stopping over from SITS and think the blog is beautifully done:>
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