Practice officially started on November 16 and will end with state competition on February 27, 2010.
LNS is a fairly new high school, this is it's 7th year. Last year Little K was the first girl to qualify for two individual events at the state level and her name on the record board for several events.
Saturday the team had an Intra-Squad meet. It's a meet within the team and just for fun. It also gives the coaches some base line times.
Little K's strongest events are the 50 & 100 yard free style, these are the events she had qualifying state times for. It usually takes most of the season to reach the state qualifying times. We were very surprised when Little K had a time of 27.73 in the 50 free style, the state qualifying time for that event is 25.91.
Practice consists of 5:30 a.m. weight training 3 times a week with a full workout in the pool 6 days a week. Her goal this year is to qualify for the 2nd day of state competition.
I am very thankful for the talent God has blessed her with.

What great sport to be apart nephew swims for his HS and hopes to swim in college. It's a lot of dedication and time on top of demands of HS. Congrats on her times so awesome that's not easy...I can barely swim a lap.
That sounds like the hockey program in Alaska! Very dedicated sport! Go Little K!! This is a sport for life and great health too.
I think it's awesome that your daughter has a passion for swimming. Good luck, Little K!!!!
Dear Sheryl,
Wow, that is wonderful!
Talents are to be encouraged..and Little-K certainly seems to have one. You must be very proud!...and it's lovely to be able to celebrate the achievements of others. Congratulations to her (and you too!)
With love
Max's mom in SA
Yay for Little K! Great scrap book layout!
WOW! I could not handle those practices! Swimming is such an awesome sport! I can only pretend that I know how, it's pretty pathetic.
That commitment will take her far. I'm rooting for her from La Quinta, California. I'm hoping she makes it to state and then to the championships after that!
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