This clip from Britain's Got Talent says so much about our society today. As soon as Ms. Boyle walked out onto the stage the judges as well as the audience wrote her off. And while we're at it let's be honest, how many of us were being a little judgmental when we saw her walk out on the stage. After all she just didn't fit the physical stereo type we have created for performers.
How many times growing up did we hear our mother say "You can't judge a book by it's cover" same goes with people. The only one qualified to judge mankind is God himself.
That is why I love the blogging/twitter world so much. It doesn't matter if your fat or thin, black, white, or purple, short or tall, blond or brunette, young or old. We don't judge each other for what is on the outside. We get to know and love each other for what is on the inside. It has been a true blessing getting to know each and everyone of you. I thank you for sharing your families, frustrations, and most inner feelings.
The blogging community is very caring and loving. We cry with each other and make each other laugh. We pass on prayer requests and make like a sounding board when someone is frustrated. Where else can you find such a wonderful, supporting group of friends. The same goes for all of my twitter friends as well. THANK YOU for being a supporter of my blog. I am very honored that you take time out of your busy schedules to check out what going on in my head (I know, there's usually not too much there) and even more for leaving supportive comments.
I try to read and comment on as many blogs as I can. Ok fine, true confessions: I am addicted to blogging and even spend my break time if not more at work cruising through the blogging world. I love to read and it's always at my finger tips. I have made many friends blogging as well as in the twitter world. After all with twitter, where else can you tell two different people "good morning" and "good night" at the same time :-)
If you have the time - check out the partial list of blogs, in my sidebar, that I follow on a regular basis. This is not a complete list so if you don't see your blog just let me know. I would love the opportunity to check out new blogs.
We have not stumbled upon each other by mistake but by the grace of God. It's a whole new world out there and I am glad to share it with you. As the old song goes:
"Thank you for being a friend."
"Thank you for being a friend."
Thank you for being my blogger/twitter friend!
So glad our paths have crossed, Sheryl! It's been a pleasure getting to know you. I'll second what Kwana said...thank you for being my blogger friend!
I saw this and thought you'd get a kick out of it. http://www.amateurgourmet.com/2009/04/susan_boyled_po.html
Sheryl, you have a wonderful heart and soul. I'm glad that we became blogging buddies!!
Well put, I second that! Thanks for the visit.
Thank YOU. You are a wonderful person that I'm glad I got to know through blogging and then twitter. The best to you on your weight loss journey plus all that you want to accomplish in life!!
love <3
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