When I hear the word "stewardship" the first thing that comes to mind is money, but how many times have I really thought about stewardship in the sense of "time"?
Yesterday during the worship service we were reciting the "Church Covenant".........
We will be faithful in our stewardship and support of the Church, recognizing that our time, our abilities and our resources are all a trust from God to be used in serving Him and assisting others.
I was reading along and as I got to this section it hit me hard, as I continued to read the rest of the covenant things became a blurr, I could hear the rest of the congregation but everything was drowned out by this one paragraph. I could no longer continue to read the rest of the covenant. It's like reading scripture, sometimes you'll read over a passage that you have read several times but this time it grabs you.All sorts of things start going through my mind, I'm not using my time, abilities and resources to serve God and others as I should.
I am feeling so in touch with God. What a perfect time to refocus my attention on Jesus, the week before he dies for our sins...my sins.
My eyes are now watering and I have goose bumps and all of this comes 45 minutes before I am to lead the church women into a 30 Day Challenge of Prayer.
God speaks to us in all sorts of media. I believe God is reminding me to use my time and resources to worship Him and to help others to really use this 30 day challenge to get closer to Him through the scripture and prayer, to narrow the gap.
Confession: I can be very selfish with my time and this whole thing has made me re-evaluate how I spend my time.
God has shown me that my time is a gift from Him and I need to be a good steward of that time.
Oh me too. The stewartship of time is something I struggle with. But how fitting that this would speak to you right before you start a 30-day commitment to prayer. We may have time issues, but God doesn't...amen!!
Have a Blessed Monday,
We are very familiar with the concept of 'stewardship of time', as time is just about all we can offer in our present financial circumstances. :)
I love how you were moved by this passage right before you were to lead others. He sure does move in mysterious ways!
I think that covenant is very profound. I see something new every time I read it, but I never noticed that. Thanks for pointing it out.
Hello Sheryl and thanks for the thoughtful post. xoxo
Thank you. I now realize I needed this post.
I have something for you on my blog!
Time is our most valuable asset and it is so easy to let it go to waste.
Thanks for the reminder!
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