
Sunday, March 15, 2009

"Not Me!" Mondays

Welcome back to Not Me! Monday! This is a great way to start the week. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

God does have a since of humor :-)

Even my family is even getting into this.

Just when I think that I won't have anything to blog for NOT ME Monday, I go and do a bonehead thing.....

  • My daughter DID NOT give her overnight guest two hand towels to take a shower.
  • I DID NOT wake up 10 minutes before I had to be a praise team rehearsal. I did not wait until after rehearsal to put on my make-up scarring everyone into a counseling session.
  • I DID NOT fall asleep during my daughter's band concert. And I surely didn't jump when the lady beside me accidentally hit my arm. I am much more attentive then that.
  • I DID NOT look for my cell phone and wonder where I put it WHEN I was talking on it.

Never underestimate the power of being human. Have a great week.


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

I love the 2 hand towels for the shower. Ha ha.

Suzanne said...

Another mom I've met who's on a worship team! Nice to meet you! Yes, I love the Not Me's and this is beoming a monday ritual. Glad I got my housework done already!

Ina in Alaska said...

Hi!! Happy NOT ME MONDAY!!! :D

Anonymous said...

LOL!! I have done that with my cell phone a few times. Thank you for commenting! I'm happy you like my spiritual to do list. :)

tammy said...

Ah, love it! I have never heard of Not Me Mondays, but thoroughly enjoyed reading the things you (or your daughter) would never do!! ;)

Thanks for visiting my blog.

E @ Scottsville said...

Enjoyed your Not Me's. Thank goodness they gave you a few, huh? =0) What would we do on a Monday without them??


Oh I love these. I'm so glad none of this stuff actually happened to you. ;o)

Reminds me just last week I was looking for my glasses and I was holding them.

Beth in NC said...

Ha. I used to participate in NMM and I have quite a few of my mistakes recorded. lol

One day I accused my toddler of doing something with my glasses -- searched over the entire house to realize I WAS WEARING THEM. Sheesh.

Blessings to you!

Melissa aka Equidae said...

lol lovely how funny...i should think of some and do it next monday :)

Helene said...

This was hilarious....I had to laugh about your cell phone! A few weeks ago, I was holding one of my 2 yr olds on my lap while we were at an amusement park. Suddenly I panicked and started screaming to my husband, "Where's Garrett?? OMG, I don't see him....where is he?" and my husband stared at me as if I had just lost my mind. "Um, he's on your lap, sweetie...". Oh man I almost had a heart attack. So I can totally relate to your cell phone incident. See, that's what happens when you're a multi-tasking mama.

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful to know I'm not the only one to know I have mondays like this!

Christina said...

This is the first time I have heard of Not Me! Mondays. I love it! Looking at those little moments and seeing the humor in them sounds like a great way to start the week! I might just have to join in. :)

Mindie said...

LOL That sounds like a great idea! "Not Me~" Mondays. I find this funny because every time I do something dumb, I always say, "I didn't do it." while looking around to see if someone caught me in the act.

I think I am going to adopt the "Not Me! Mondays."

BTW, your daughter really gave an overweight guest two towels? That's hilarious (being overweight myself)!

Chris said...

I especially loved the last one. Have you ever gone into a room for a specific thing and forgotten why you went when you got there? Senior moments!

Kristen said...

Too funny! The cell phone and the hand towel one are so NOT my faves.