Welcome back to Not Me! Monday! This is a great way to start the week. This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
God does have a since of humor :-)
Even my family is even getting into this. Just when I think that
- My daughter DID NOT come into my room at 7:15 a.m. to find me in different stages of dress and tell me she has band try outs and has to be at school at 7:00 a.m. I DID NOT throw on a pair of jeans and a sweater (too heavy for the weather) and put a pair of socks in my purse to be put on later. I DID NOT grab my make-up, hair spray etc.. shove it in my purse to finish getting ready at work. I DID NOT manage to get out of the house in 5 minutes only to find my oldest daughter car parked behind mine. I DID NOT take the van that was sitting on the other side of the garage just waiting to be back out. And I most certainly DID NOT drive my daughter to school barefoot. Gees, wonder how she did.
- I DID NOT start this post earlier in the week and scheudle it to be posted first thing this morning and then FORGET to go back and finish the post. I would never post anything 1/2 undone.
What an idiot.
Have a great week.
LOL... a very cute post! I don't know how mothers do it. There are times I can't even get myself out the door AND fully dress at times!!!
Have a golden day!
I hope she did well!
Ahhh. How many morning mine were the same! Only I have boys who need to be rushed to school because they missed the bus....AGAIN! ;-)
I did NOT have to use paper towels for coffee filters because I forgot to buy them!! :)
Ahhhh, sounds like my son last week who at 7:00 am told me he'd FORGOTTEN part of his homework and hadn't done it. SO with 30 minutes before leaving for school - we began WHILE getting ready for school. Driving to school STILL doing homework. Uggggh! Kids!
It's a good thing we LOVE 'EM!
chuckle...great not me monday.
Thanks so much for visiting on my SITS day :)
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