This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
God does have a since of humor :-)
Even my family is even getting into this....
- My sister DID NOT sleep with a blanket that the cat threw up on. After all her cat NEVER gets hair balls.
- I WAS NOT totally excited to receive my first blog award. I DID NOT run home and tell my H all about it. I am an adult after all not a child.
- I DID NOT enjoy my lunch hour on Friday in the park. After all who likes 60 degree weather after temps have been in the 20's and 30's.
- I DID NOT enjoy listening to the birds when I woke up in the morning.
- The trash can DID NOT get so full under the sink that the trash started to jump out at us each time we opened the door. Four people live in this house, you would think someone would take it out.
So funny!
These posts are so cute!
Visiting from Not Me Monday. Great list. We have the same trash problem in our house too.
And did your hubby "Understand" your excitement? Mine just doesn't "get it". He thinks I'm a psycho about all this BLOG stuff. =0)
Enjoyed your NMM's. Happy Monday!
Hi Sheryl,
Thanks so much for stopping by today! I can't imagine the emotions you're facing with your daughter graduating in June. We, at least, have another year to go. Just so hard to let go! Good luck with your daughter's track season!!! Please come back, again!
Congratulations on your award! I was so excited when you passed it on to me that I think I failed to congratulate you. Sorry about that. Arrgh!
Trash always seems to be a problem at out house. With two curious little ones, we've had to get very creative. :)
Heh. I will say that at least my husband knows that it's his job to take out the trash. But uhhhh birds? Really? That means you were up EARLY.
Thanks for visiting my NMM... I have the same issue with the trash can... think it's catching?
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