I have been in kind of a melancholy mood. There have been several events in my life lately that have contributed to this mood. The uncertainty of the economy and life in general have also contributed to this feeling and I can't seem to shake it. It's like God has me in a state of mind to ponder life as a whole.
Over the last week God has been bringing back the oddest memories. It's strange, I will smell something, hear something, or think I see something and it takes me straight back to my childhood. One of those memories for me today are snow days.
We would wait up until after the nightly news hoping that our school would be put on the list and if it wasn't we would be up first thing in the morning watching. Once our school was closed we would go back to bed. Later we would bundle up so much that we could hardly move and go out and play. Sometimes mom would have hot chocolate waiting for us when we came in.
Mom - now there's another story, while living at home I was not very close to my mom. It wasn't until I moved out that our relationship started to improve. Unfortunately mom passed away when I was 25 so we didn't have a lot of time to work on that relationship. Even though mom has been gone for 20 years I find myself thinking about her a lot this Christmas season. I haven't done that for a long time. I remember how she decorated the house for the holidays, the big feast we would have on Christmas day, (she spent hours in the kitchen) the wrapping of the gifts and all of the other things that go along with the season; I miss her.
I am sure God is preparing my head and my heart for something only He knows, so in the mean time I will enjoy the blessings He as given me, pray, and let Him be Him.
Merry Christmas and Happy Memories.
We are never alone.
What a sweet blog you have. I enjoyed reading your snow day story! I hope you soon find cheer and joy.
Sheryl, I'm sure mom's glad to be remembered. That's how people live forever, you know? Be sure to share those moments with the kids...
Wishing you the best Christmas ever!
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