It's the end of the year and don't we all do a lot of reflecting over the year and past years as well. My girls are growing up and with one of them graduating this year I have done a lot of reflecting on there childhood.
I remember the year my youngest daughter was in 1st grade. We were getting ready to go to the school Christmas program. She had the cutest little dress with ribbon and lace. I loved it - she didn't. We took her to her classroom before the program and she was just bawling. When her teacher looked at her (this was the teachers first year of teaching) she looked at me and said, "my goodness, what's wrong?", my response was, "I made her wear a dress." I wished the teacher good luck and went to find my seat. The program was great, my daughters blond hair and fair skin made her red puffy eyes stick out but I still think she looked adorable.
Fast forward to the present, the little girl that bawled because she had to wear a dress for her Christmas program is now in her second year of cheerleading with all the girly stuff that goes with it. We dropped her off this morning, actually I think it was still middle of the night, to head down to the Liberty Bowl in Memphis, TN where her squad will march in the Liberty Bowl Parade and then perform during half time. They grow up so fast.....
One woman's journey to become the woman God wants her to be.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Reflecting on the past
I remember back when my oldest daughter was about 3 years old. I was sitting on the bed folding laundry when she walked in. I happened to be folding her little underwear at the time, emphases on "little". She would pick up a pair and do her three year old best to fold them. THEN she grabbed a pair of my underwear. Now mind you I didn't think they were that big, she looked at me, her eyes grew huge and said, "Whooo, whose are these?"
You gotta love'em.
You gotta love'em.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Mother – Daughter Moment

My family and I went to see the movie "Marley & Me". You can see a preview of the movie here. I had already read the book so I knew what to expect but what I didn't expect was sitting in the theater sharing a good cry with my oldest daughter. The tears were just streaming down both sides of my face; I would look at my daughter sitting beside me and find the tears running down her face just as quickly. We would look at each other and then start to laugh.
During the teenage years mother/daughter moments are sometimes far and few between especially during their senior year when they are trying to spread their wings of independence as far as they can. I'll take those moments whenever I can get them, even if it means crying in the theater together.
By the way, the movie was great and I recommend it to all dog lovers, especially if you have a larger dog. As usual the book gives more detail so I suggest both reading the book and seeing the movie.
We are never alone.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas

I want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. As I have said in an earlier post, it has been a different holiday season for me and still holds true today, but I feel warm inside and a little teary thinking about Joseph's and Mary's experience all those years ago at this time. I know God is working on great things for me and my family. Now is the time for me to put aside the confusion in my life and concentrate on the true meaning of the season, the birth of our Lord and Savior and all that comes with it.
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2: 11-14 NIV
Peace be with you and your family this holiday season.
We are never alone.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow Days

I have been in kind of a melancholy mood. There have been several events in my life lately that have contributed to this mood. The uncertainty of the economy and life in general have also contributed to this feeling and I can't seem to shake it. It's like God has me in a state of mind to ponder life as a whole.
Over the last week God has been bringing back the oddest memories. It's strange, I will smell something, hear something, or think I see something and it takes me straight back to my childhood. One of those memories for me today are snow days.
We would wait up until after the nightly news hoping that our school would be put on the list and if it wasn't we would be up first thing in the morning watching. Once our school was closed we would go back to bed. Later we would bundle up so much that we could hardly move and go out and play. Sometimes mom would have hot chocolate waiting for us when we came in.
Mom - now there's another story, while living at home I was not very close to my mom. It wasn't until I moved out that our relationship started to improve. Unfortunately mom passed away when I was 25 so we didn't have a lot of time to work on that relationship. Even though mom has been gone for 20 years I find myself thinking about her a lot this Christmas season. I haven't done that for a long time. I remember how she decorated the house for the holidays, the big feast we would have on Christmas day, (she spent hours in the kitchen) the wrapping of the gifts and all of the other things that go along with the season; I miss her.
I am sure God is preparing my head and my heart for something only He knows, so in the mean time I will enjoy the blessings He as given me, pray, and let Him be Him.
Merry Christmas and Happy Memories.
We are never alone.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you for the cold weather you bring into our lives. It reminds me to be thankful and that you provide in all situations, things we tend to take for granted. Thank you for a warm house to live in, even when when the family thinks I keep the thermostat too low I am thankful I am doing it by choice. Thank you for a warm bed and warm covers for my family. Thank you for reliable cars that get us to our destination safe and warm. Thank you for the cell phones we can use should we have problems with those cars. Thank you for the warm food/drinks to help keep us warm. Thank you for employment in these times when so many are with out a job.
Lord I
lift up to you those who are homeless, I pray that you will lead them to a warm place to lay down their head and for warm food/drink. I lift up to you those who do not have their own transportation, I pray that whatever means they use they can stay warm and arrive at their destination safely. I pray for those who are seeking employment, show them the plan you have for them and give them hope.
And I thank you for giving us your Son Jesus Christ. During this season help us not to get caught up in the weather and hustle and bustle of the holiday. But help us to focus on what is important, the birth of your Son. You are the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords and the perfect Counselor. You deserve all our praise and worship, there is no other God like you, no other God as loving, as gracious, as merciful. I give my life to you, you are the potter and I am the clay, make me as you want me. Now there may be a little resistance at times but I know you will help me work through it.
Thank you for what you have done, for what you are doing, for what you will do.
We are never alone.
I thank you for the cold weather you bring into our lives. It reminds me to be thankful and that you provide in all situations, things we tend to take for granted. Thank you for a warm house to live in, even when when the family thinks I keep the thermostat too low I am thankful I am doing it by choice. Thank you for a warm bed and warm covers for my family. Thank you for reliable cars that get us to our destination safe and warm. Thank you for the cell phones we can use should we have problems with those cars. Thank you for the warm food/drinks to help keep us warm. Thank you for employment in these times when so many are with out a job.
Lord I

And I thank you for giving us your Son Jesus Christ. During this season help us not to get caught up in the weather and hustle and bustle of the holiday. But help us to focus on what is important, the birth of your Son. You are the Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords and the perfect Counselor. You deserve all our praise and worship, there is no other God like you, no other God as loving, as gracious, as merciful. I give my life to you, you are the potter and I am the clay, make me as you want me. Now there may be a little resistance at times but I know you will help me work through it.
Thank you for what you have done, for what you are doing, for what you will do.
Monday, December 15, 2008
1st Weeks Results

My sister-in-law, J, visited this last weekend, she brought her Wii Fit. Who would of thought that a video game could get your heart rate up, work on your balance and strength and be fun at the same time.
We invited friends over Sunday for a round or two of Wii and had a great time. Exercise doesn't have to be mundane and boring and the Wii Fit is a great example. When it's colder outside then it is in our freezer who wants to go out and play. Now I just have to find one of my own.
In the mean time, goals for this next week:
- Lose another 1.5 pounds
- Continue to try and increase my water intake to a minimum of 8 glasses a day
- And continue to try and move my body for at least 15 minutes a day.
We are never alone.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Eek, I got a little over zealous with my goals for this week. Here it is Thursday and I have maybe lost 1 pound if that. I have not been feeling well so I haven't exercised, I have some, but not much. And the salt tooth has taken over. Ok, the entire junk tooth has taken over. I'd like to blame the week on illness but that was only a small portion. I chose what to eat.
As I said before, when we fall we must get up, brush ourselves off and keep moving forward. That is what I am going to do, we'll see what the scale says Saturday.
Lord I pray for strength to fight this war on food. I need to learn - eat to live not live to eat. Be with me when I am tempted and give me another way out. Amen.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Living Healthier

According to a report put out by the American Heart Association:
71% of non-Hispanic white men are over weight or obese and 57.6% of women.
67% of non-Hispanic black nen are over weight or obese and 79.6% percent of women.
Out of control schedules and the ease of driving through some where to get a quick bit has contributed to these numbers, I know it has in my situation. With the advancement of televisions, computers, and video games it makes it so easy to sit on our fannies after dinner and do nothing to burn the calories we have eaten through the day. That is so true with me, and the more it sit around and do nothing, the more I want to do just that-nothing. I have gotten myself into a terrible position.
I have a hard time taking a deep breath sometimes and my family asks why I am breathing so hard when I am sitting still. That can't be a good sign. The muscles in my legs start to yell just walking across the parking lot and I feel like I have no strength in my arms. Even housework can turn into a challenge. What have I done to myself, I used to be a fairly fit person?
I have tried several times to lose weight and some of them successfully only to put the weight back on. I have come to the conclusion that diets don't work. In today's world the word diet has become a four letter word. We need to change our definition of diet.
According to Webster "Diet" is defined as - food and drink regularly provided or consumed.
Simple and basic, to lose weight there is no miracle cure it's simply -
Calories in vs Calories out.
The true goal is to get fit, the weight loss is an added benefit. It has to be a life change.
Take baby steps, don't change too much too soon. Set small goals for the week and those goals need to be reasonable goals for ourselves, each one of us is different. If we don't set reasonable goals for our own lifestyle we'll get frustrated and quit. For me I am going to set my over all goal so I know where I am going. Then I am going to concentrate on weekly goals.
Starting this life change during the holiday season will be hard but beneficial. I may or may not lose weight but I hope to keep from gaining. Remember, this has to be a life change and we have to be realistic.
My Goal for this next week: Lose 5 pounds. That is a lot of weight in one week, however, I have not been drinking water like I should and I have been pretty inactive.
Plan to achieve goal: Drink 8 glasses of water, move my body for 15 minutes each day and limit snacks between meals.

We are never alone, God has led me to a new blog this week. I am proud to say that I now have a new friend and online weight support pal. You can follow her progress at Mumblings From Troy, Ohio.
Getting fit and taking weight off is hard, rewarding work, but we can't lose our sense of humor during these challenging times. If we fall - we get back up, dust our self off and continue forward-tomorrow's another day.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Man's Best Friend

Jake appreciates the little things in life, a romp in the snow, a nap on a warm blanket, a tummy rub, and a good bone. He lives in the moment and doesn't worry about tomorrow.
He shows unconditional love when we come home, sometimes too much love, and is quick to forgive us when we get mad at him. He is a protector, always on guard listening to every sound and alerting us to potential intruders. We do need to teach him that every car door he hears is not for our house nor does he have to tell us when ever someone walks by.
And how is it that dogs can always sense when you don't feel good. They lay beside you, give you a loving nudge and even lick your face and wake you up once you've finally fallen asleep :)
Jake has ate several blankets, comforters, and pillow shames. He's had accidents in the house and barks his fool head off at nothing in the back yard. And we won't even talk about what happens when he get loose in the front yard, let's just say he stretches his legs. Basically, Jake is a good dog that does naughty things once in a while but we still love him.
As it is with God, sometimes we do naughty things but God still love us. He has an unconditional love for us and blesses us more then we could ever deserve. He is our protector, our savior, and our redeemer; He is slow to anger and quick to forgive.
God is in the little things of everyday life. He is in the snow that is falling, the flower that is blooming and the smile on a young child's face; we should enjoy the beauty of that snow, the wonderful fragrance of the flower that only God can create and strive for the pure joy seen in that child's smile. We need to stop worrying about tomorrow, as it says:
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34,
So, learn to bloom where you're planted and appreciate what God puts into your life. Look at Jake, he had absolutely nothing to say about being adopted but yet he has adjusted and has made our home his home.
Over the last 2-3 weeks I have come to love and have faith in the following verse; thank you Susan for showing it to me.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
So, learn to bloom where you're planted and appreciate what God puts into your life. Look at Jake, he had absolutely nothing to say about being adopted but yet he has adjusted and has made our home his home.
Over the last 2-3 weeks I have come to love and have faith in the following verse; thank you Susan for showing it to me.
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Little Birdie Secrets: how to make a napkin card
Little Birdie Secrets: how to make a napkin card (and be the hit of your own party)
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