
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winter in Nebraska

There's a saying in Nebraska, "If you don't like the weather just wait it'll change".

When it comes to winter in Nebraska anything goes.  Can't really complain about the last few winters; they've been pretty good to us.

This year is different, I think we've gotten more snow so far this year then in a few years combines - what's with that???

Here's a couple of comics I received via email, they just say it all:


I am a fan of snow, I love a good blizzard that snows us in all snugglie and warm.  However just 1 not 2 (like we've had this month) and not over the Christmas holiday.  And I prefer not to have to wait 4 days to get out of my house.  Am I getting to picky???? 

Oh well, just wanted to share these with you.

P.S. My hand in the one in the front. :)


Crazee Juls said...

Oh girl, I hear you about the snow. We had a blizzard, then the next day it was 60 degrees...the next day more snow. crazee, I tell ya! Sounds like Nebraska weather's a whole lot like W. Tx. weather.

:) Happy New year!

Suz said...

Loved the cartoons!

Yea, I have had my fill of snow. I wish I had the money to be a snowbird. I would be in Arizona or Florida in a heartbeat.

Only 3 more months until Spring!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

We have snow but nothing like your thankfuly.. Soon be spring.. Hugs GJ xx

RCUBEs said...

We need rain here! So save some snow for us! Stay warm and safe sister. God bless and keep you. said...

That's funny because I think I'd be saying that I'd take the snow over the earthquakes but then again, I don't drive that well in snow so maybe I'll take the earthquakes. :)