
Friday, January 2, 2009

1/2 Time Show vs. Muddy Paws

As I mentioned in my last blog, my youngest daughter went to Memphis, TN with the rest of her cheer squad to perform in the 1/2 time show of the Liberty Bowl. We weren't even sure they would show the 1/2 time show on t.v., but like loyal parents we watched the 1st half of the game hoping the camera would show a glimpse of them, no such luck. Then 1/2 time came and all they were doing was talking about all of the other games being played....boring.....didn't they know there were moms waiting to see their daughters on t.v.?

Jake (our border collie/lab) had been outside for a long time. We called him in and his paws were all muddy. Now it hasn't rained and the snow is long gone, who knows where he found the mud but it looked like 1/2 our yard was on his paws. We decided he needed to be put in the tub to be cleaned up. I'm leaning over the tub giving my dog a pedicure and my dh yells, "their on, their on." I thought your kidding, here I have Jake, muddy paws and all, in a tub of water. I thought "oh well" and left the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

We didn't get to see our dd up close but we did get to see her group as a whole. I was so excited for her. Then I remembered, Jake is locked up in the bathroom. What are my chances that he would have stayed in the tub while I was gone, yup you guessed it......

We had mud every where. There was mud on the tub, there was mud on the wall, there was even mud on and in the toilet.

He was only left alone for about two minutes and I never heard a sound come from the bathroom while he was in there alone.

Watching a football game you have no interest in - 3 hours, leaving a muddy dog in a tub of water unsupervised- 2 minutes, cleaning up from leaving a muddy dog in a tub of water unsupervised - 20 minutes, watching your daughter perform on t.v. at a bowl game - worth every minute.


Emmy said...

Oh, man! That's one for the grandkids!

Anonymous said...

lol! I'm stopping by from SITS to say hello and congrats! enjoy being FB :-)

SugarandSpice said...

LOL!!!! That would totally figure. But you will always be able to tell her you DID see her on tv. gotta love em'

Lisa said...

Oh my, those photos are precious!

MrsM said...

Awww, how cool that you got to see her! As for muddy paws, heck my children who are actual people can't be trusted not to seek and destroy everything as quickly and silently as possible.

Bobbi & Noe said...

haha!!! Dogs!

cat said...

Oh I agree - definitely worth it. He is a very handsome dog though.

La Belle Mere said...

Thats a few hours of your life you'll never get back!! The things we do for those we love!

Happy SITS day.

B xxxxxxxxxx

Robin said...

Oh my.....

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting about your daughter! I was a cheerleader and we went to Disney one year for a competition. So fun. I will never forget that trip.

I can't stand when my dogs track mud in the house. We have a ditch in our yard that likes to fill up with water in the spring and fall and our dogs will inevitably walk through it (even though it's way on the side of the yard...) and then track mud in.

Unknown said...

cute story! Happy SITS day!

JennyMac said...

Cute story..the dog does have a look on its face like "Who me?"

Congrats on being FB! Have a great day.

Elizabeth D. said...

Wow, that's a great story. And your dog looks so "innocent" in those pictures! :)

Sandra Winn said...

LOL, what an unfortunately terrific predicament! Look at your doggies sweet and innocent face, it's like he knew you were bored and was trying to give you something to do.

"Ah-ha! I'll make 'Mom's' day by getting dirty so she can give me a bath. It'll be a great boredom buster for her and she'll love me all the more."

Congrats on your daughter's squad making it on television though!

Anonymous said...

Being a dog owner (of a Jake) I totally understand. Happy SITs Day!

nikki said...

lol. messy dog. =)~ stopping by from SITS to say help. enjoy being FB!!

Anonymous said...

At least you got to watch her and I guess a muddy floor is a small price to pay. Jake looks like a cutie. Happy SITS day.

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Happy SITS day!

Susan said...

happy SITS day! pics like those make me want a pup again :)

Cher said...

haha. Congrats on your SITS day!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

He looks so remorseful! :) Happy SITS Day!!

Laura said...

He looks like a little kid who knows he's done something wrong.

Sandy said...

Stopping by from SITS. Jake is so cute! You can tell he knows he's in a little trouble. Would have been worse if you missed your daughter on TV!

Ungirdled Passion said...

Cute story - dogs WILL find mud where there is none. Happy SITS!

Brandy said...

That's AWESOME that she got to perform & be on TV. Woohoo! I would have left the doggie too.

But I probably would have forgotten all about shutting the door so at least you thought to do that. LOL!

B.o.B. said...

adorable dog! happy sits day!

Smitten by Britain said...

That little stinker. It only takes seconds for them to get in trouble. I'm talking about the dog here. The look of guilt on its face is priceless.

Mommys Online Garage Sale said...

how funny....cute dog.

Anonymous said...

It must have been great seeing your daughter perform on TV. Definitely worth the clean up!

Scrappy Girl said...

OMGoodness...what a mess. Your furbaby has nothing on my 2 little ones...they can go from clean to sticky in 2.5! LOL

Rita Barakat said...

What a good mom! priorities!

Rose said...

oh that is funny! His face is priceless!

Amy said...

Great post which made me laugh...

CCW said...

Stopping by from SITS ... Sweet, very sweet!

Jessica said...

I love the look on his face! Like, "Yeah? So??"

Single Mama NYC said...

That is too funny!!

Atlanta said...

Looks like something my children might do... or have done! I might have made my husband clean the bathroom after the mess in the tub. ok, no I DEFINATELY would have. Although, it would have taken him more than 20 mins. =)
Stopping By From SITS! Congrats on being FB!

Michelle said...

OH that's awesome. Cleaning up muddy paw prints would have been worth it for that...but couldnt the dog have had better timing and come in later?

Anonymous said...

Those puppies are always something else! lol

Unknown said...

Love his face in that pic: Who me?
Happy SITS day!

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Oh man - that's funny. At least you shut the bathroom door & he didn't do it all over the house! Enjoy your day as FB! :)

Decor To Adore said...

I remember as a child when we once left our doxie in the bathroom and that dog managed to tip my moms potted plant over, mix it with toilet water, add toilet paper for a complete mess. :)

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

haha! love the photos! as if he did not do anything wrong! LOL!

{leah} said...

You gotta love dogs... they always seem to find the one little spot of mud and run through it for hours.

{Yeah for your daughter!!!}

Guide To Life For Women Author - TR Hughes said...

Even dogs want to make funnies...he's laughing and grinning because he got your attention!

Amy said...

What havoc a dog (or toddler) can wreak in 2 minutes is simply astounding! What fun memories.

Marrdy said...

What a happy funny puppy!

Anonymous said...

How exciting that you were able to see something from their performance!
Dogs and tubs just don't seem to mix do they?

Anonymous said...

What a mess! But at least you got to see her squad. Dogs and toddlers always have the worst timing.

Just Lisa said...

How cute! At least you got to see your daughter perform!

Trina said...

Enjoy being the FB of the day! That story was too cute.

Patricia said...

that was a whole lot of mess for just one small dog.. *L

Happy SITS day.

Ali said...

If that was one of my huskies, there would be mud, water, and HAIR everywhere! BTW, he looks too sweet to cause trouble and congrats to your daughter!

Mrs. M said...

Whatta dog!! ;-)

TisforTonya said...

someday this will one of those "hahaha do you remember when the dog..." stories...

oh wait, with blogging it's already happened.

I think blogging is helping all of us crazy neurotic types heal faster :)

brokenteepee said...

Happy SITS day.
How wonderful for your daughter...and for you.

heh heh about the dog.

Bitter Sweet Moments said...

That is too funny. I'm stopping by from SITS!! Have a great day!

Life of a Stepmama said...

Stopping by from SITS!! Love this post, I own 2 dogs myself, can completely understand!!

Lani said...

Happy SITS day! And yay for your daughter getting to be on TV!

Kate said...

Awww so glad that you got to see your daughter perform. It definitely seems like it was worth it!

Helen McGinn said...

Priceless! *L* xx

Amy said...

LOL!!! Sounds like something that would happen at my house. :P

Happy SITS Day!

Kekibird said...

Ya gotta love dogs and kids. Never a dull moment!

Suzi said...

That looks like something my kids would do! Track mud in the house is like second nature to them. It sure is a pain.

Leigh said...

Oh man! I guess this one of the reasons our big dogs stay outside. Our chihuahua only makes very small paw prints!

Mindy said...

Ughhhh! What a fiasco! You did the right thing! As for the dog, I'd rather clean up his mud than his poop, right?

Adopt a 'Do - Cute Girls Hairstyles


Oh the trouble they can get into in such a small amount of time!

Congrats once again on your SITS day!

C. Beth said...

Uuuugh, definitely not a fan of "surprises" like this. :) But congrats to your daughter!

Anonymous said...

Haha, he looks so innocent in the pictures! Mud? What mud?

Happy SITS Day!!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Happy Sits day to you!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!! Love it.

Happy SITS day!

mamammelloves said...

Sounds like a Mastercard commercial... "Priceless!" :)

Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

LOLOL He looks so guilty too!:)LOL Gotta love pets, especially dogs. They have such personalities.

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh I feel your pain sitsta! I've got a great dane who does the same thing!

Jackie said...

I'm sorry, but I just had to laugh looking at those pictures! Sorry you had such a mess to clean up, but so happy you got to see your dd on tv!!!!!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Happy SITS day!! That's almost as bad as the poop I found all of the kid and the crib. Though I'm sure you've got a poop story of your own too!

Jessica said...

Oh honey!! I totally have been there!

Anonymous said...

lol..i can relate...

Playground for Parents said...

Look at that innocent face in the photo! Ha!

Rhiannon Bosse said...

oh wow! I would not be impressed with mr puppy hahaha too cute!

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

Oh - that's great!

Gigi said...

loved your perspective at the end.
sometimes it is all about perspective. ;)

Rachael said...

What a great post! That is awesome your daughter got to do that. Happy SITS day (late)!

piecemeal people said...

Oh dear. Another reason we don't have a dog!