Through all of the confusion God blessed me all day. We didn't have to wait very long for our appointments, we started a new health insurance policy and my co-pay was lower and then the prescriptions the girls needs were on the $4 list - perfect.
That night my youngest daughter, who is 15, settled in with me on the couch to watch a movie. She loves to do that when she feels out of sorts. There was a problem with that set up, not for me but for Jake our dog. He usually lays at the end of the couch. Now my daughter's legs were in his spot. He sat there looking at the end of the couch and whined. Finally he gave up realizing the legs were not going to move and jumped up and laid his 65 pound body beside my daughter who is now asleep and then he put his head on my lap.
I looked around the living room, my husband is in the reclining chair sleeping with a dog on his lap. By this time I have a small dog curled up beside me, a child laying on my side getting me wet because she didn't dry her hair before she cuddled up and another lap-dog-wonna-be laying beside me. I had to keep checking my daughter's face to make sure the dog wasn't smothering her.
I thought to myself, can life get any better? After a wild day trying to meet everyone's demands, here I sit with my family all around me - God's love was all around.
The only thing that could have made the night any better was to have my other daughter with us. She was at work but the night didn't end there for her, she came home after getting sick at work and continued to be sick almost every hour on the hour for the rest of the night. I thanked her for waking me up each time to share her misery which made for a very long night-seriously I did feel bad for her. I was able to get a few hours of sleep and God gave me the strength to get through the next day.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you so much for being here with us this past week. For all the blessing you bestowed upon us; from short wait times in the doctors offices, for medicines to help us feel better, to the open weekend so that we could rest. I thank you for our church and church family so that we may freely worship you with out the fear of being prosecuted. You are an awesome God who deserves our honor and praise.
I thank you for your grace and for not treated us as we really deserve to be treated.
Yay! You added the CWO button! Are you officially on their blogroll? Congratulations!!!
If we work by believing that the God is with us, then fatigue is the last thing we would feel. Such is the power of His/Her presence. [I used His or Her for the God, as I have no idea whether the God is He or She. ]
Naval Langa
What if God is neither "He" nor "She" but Spirit. Mysterious, huh?
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