It was a day like every other day. I got up and was getting myself and the girls ready for the day when the phone rang. I answered the phone completely expecting to my hear my husbands cheery voice, but it wasn't him, it was the nurse. I was confused, I couldn't figure out why the nurse was calling at this hour of the day; what could be wrong? Just yesterday the doctor was optimistic that with time dad would get better, but after my conversation with the nurse I realized that dad wasn't going to get better, he was now refusing all blood transfusions and with that decision it didn't have much time left.
When I got to the hospital dad said Mark (his son) and his wife were there. I looked around the room and saw no sign of any other visitors. I chalked it up to the meds he was on and a deep desire to see his boys again. As the day went on he frequently talked about Mark and his wife. I finally decided to ask the nurse if he had any other visitors last night or earlier in the morning. The nurse said his son had been in and she thought his name was Mark. I stood there in disbelief, had he really flown up here to see his dad after all of this time? Later that day I finally met my oldest brother. It was a meeting that was awkward at first but soon we became very comfortable with each other. The next morning the second son appeared, the younger of my two brothers. Both boys look very different from each other but yet there was no denying who their father was. I could see some of dad's features in both of them, looks, facial expressions, and hand jesters to name a few.
Dad had never really shared his most inner desire with me before, a prayer he hoped would be answered before he past away. Dad had been married before and had two sons from that marriage. Due to reasons that were never shared with me the boys moved to another state with their mother and dad had very little contact with them. As a matter a fact, growing up my sisters and I knew we had two half brother out there some where but had never met them.
Thursday night was a wonderful blessed time, all of dad's kids and grandchildren were there in the room with him laughing and carrying on. We watched TV together and even got in trouble by the nurse for being too loud. It appeared dad was enjoying himself, seeing all of his children together, he didn't think he would ever see all five in the same room at the same time. He sat in his bed with the oxygen tube on his face, looking a little pale and not talking much but smiling all the same - a look of peace. That was the last night dad was conscious. It was almost like he was waiting for his dream, his dream of all of the kids being together. He achieved that dream and was now able to let go.
Friday came and went with little change in dad he remained unconscious the entire day. We talked, read scripture and prayed with him. The nurse came in Saturday morning and changed dad's bedding and cleaned him up. I will never forget dad's facial expression as she washed his face. It was like a little boy who didn't want to have his face washed. The nurse was so gentle and loving with him.
Later that afternoon dad's breathing became more inconsistent. His breaths got farther and farther apart, I found myself wonder if each one would be his last. Around 6:00 that Saturday night dad did take his last breath. If death can be peaceful this was; there was no struggle the next breath just never came. My sisters and I along with Scott, my other brother, were around his bed watching and praying over him when he took that last breath.

It was a time of sadness and joy, a time of exhaustion and a time of new beginnings.
Sunday, October 4th, marked the 6th year anniversary my dad went home to Jesus. I will never be able to thank him enough for everything he did and the sacrifices he made for me and for my family. He had a gentle spirit and rarely raised is voice but when he did you knew he meant business.
I miss you dad and I love you more then words could ever say but I rest in peace knowing that you are rejoicing and worshiping with Jesus now.
This is a picture of daddy and me, at least 17 years ago.
Sorry for your loss, he sounds like a wonderful father. Are you still in contact with your half brothers? I think it's important to leave this world in peace. My your memories heal your heart. Have a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for sharing from the depths of your being with each of us. May GOD continue to comfort you.
Blessings and prayers, andrea
Thank you for sharing that. It's been 4 months today, since I lost my dad.
My prayers are with you.. I don't know your loss --but I can sure relate.
Frau, I keep in contact with one of them. They really are a lot like there father, dad didn't pick up the phone much or write and neither do my brothers. But the growing relationship is still there, I just don't get to see them very often.
Thank you for sharing this very personal moment with us. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man and was able to reunite you all while he was able to be there. What a treasured memory that must be for you!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I don't have much time to read your post for now but I want to pop over and say a quick hi and to thank you for encouraging me and visiting me. I will come back and hope to get to know you better. God bless.
What a beautiful post. I love that the Lord let him stay to see you all together.
Sorry for my short visit before. Thank you for sharing a great story about a great father. There is nothing like family relationships, being close together as someone nears death. I pictured that time, too when my 3 brothers and I all went home to be with my dying father in 2007. The joy in his face was priceless...but to know that he would go to His home was even more priceless! Blessings to you.
Oh, Sheryl, your post has moved me to tears. I'm so glad that your dad got his dying wish and that you were able to witness your father's peaceful passing from this world into heaven. My heart goes out to you.
I can hardly keep from tearing up after reading this. The emotions you expressed are those that I have experienced the last few days with my dad. How I know now that life is precious and when you least expect it, prayers are answered. I'm so glad you got to meet your brothers. Your dad sounds like he was a wonderful man.
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