These pictures were taken in June of 2008 when we went on a mission trip to Jamaica.

As I was getting ready to write this post I realized that my two teenagers are never in the same picture together. What's with that!
So this is my way of getting back, I'll post silly pictures of them. You will notice that I am taking author's privileges and not posting my snorkeling picture.
My oldest graduates in June and will be leaving for college in the fall. As I read so many other blogs about young families it reminds me time and time again how my girls have grown and that our little family of four is growing and sprouting wings - as it should.
God blessed us with a great night last night, it all started with dinner. Our goal, regardless of how busy we are, is to eat dinner as a family every night. We hit that goal about 90% of the time which I think is great.
The wonderful husband I have made dinner as he usually does. He likes to try new things once in a while, last night was one of those nights. We had bread less chicken cordon bleu (which was great), frozen string beans (not so great, but we could live with them), and instant sweet potatoes. Yes I am hearing you now, some of you are saying ok sweet potatoes are good, but I, along with my family, are with the other half......GROSS! Some things are just not meant to be mashed or instant, they tasted like mashed potatoes with honey in them.
It was quite comical. KJ's portion never made it to the table, and the rest of us gave them a good sporting try but the facial expressions said it all. We had a great laugh about the meal, thankful we had food to eat and made a mental note NOT to have that meal again.
Dishes were cleaned up and we adjourned to the living room to watch American Idol, yes as a family. KE, my 17 year old, actually did her homework in the same room as us AND interacted. That was a wonderful hour that God blessed us with. My entire family together in the same room agreeing to watch the same program - and yes we were still laughing about those sweet potatoes. We talked, gave our opinion about the singing, played with the dogs, and everything else that just goes on when the family is in the same room.
At 8:00 the show was over and so was my family time. My husband and KE went to run an errand. KJ and I started to watch our weekly Ghost Hunters, until I feel asleep in the chair, and then at 9:30 she went to bed.
I thank God for all those precious moments. After KE moves out and life progresses, I will look back on those times together with fond memories, a smile in my heart, and a tear in my eye.
What a great moment as a family. That's awesome that you are able to all eat dinner together at the same time, with two busy teenagers thrown into the mix. :)
I'm with you on the instant sweet potatoes...yuck!
They make instant sweet potatoes??? I don't quite know what to think about that!
That is so sweet! I can only hope that when the wee ones are teenages, we are able to spend family time together. Although I don't think we'll be eating sweet potatoes for dinner!
I'm so happy you stopped by my blog... :-)Come back anytime.... I'll definitely be back, have a great weekend!
Quality family time! So cool! And thanks for sending me some Scripture!
Those moments pass by so quickly. It's great that you take out time as a family together.
Hugs and Mocha,
So where does one even find instant sweet mashed potatoes?
I love the sweet moments that you hold in your heart. We as well watch AI as a family and MOST of the time root for the same people. LOVE Danny this year!!!!!
Have a Blessed weekend,
I think it's going to be hard when my boys move out. But I do love how they are growing up and becoming such amazing young men.
I wish my husband would cook more. He probably cooks better than I do, but doesn't take the time to do it. Now that I'm working full time though, he's going to have to step up!
I'm with the SITS Welcome Wagon! I've been visiting SITS since last summer. I've read so many fun blogs and met so many amazing women. It's really a great community to share. Welcome aboard!
This was a wonderful post of needing to remember not only the big times, but the small ones too.
Thanks for stopping by today and your warm and wonderful birthday wishes!!! That was so sweet.
I will be praying for your new job to come and rest knowing that you are not alone.
Instant sweet potatoes? I am with ya on that one...a big no for me also.
I love family time too!
My husband makes dinner too!
What a great family unit..especially the part about trying to eat meals together at night and interacting. I think more families should aim to be that way. :)
I had no idea they even made instant sweet potatoes! Crazy...
I also can't imagine having a baby going away to college~it's no wonder family moments mean a little bit more when one of your birdies is about to leave the nest!
That is so neat! Wow! What an experience?!
Like you I'm a big believer in family mealtimes. It's so important.
Instant sweet potatoes??? Gross! I'm not keen on sweet potatoes although they are bearable cut into chunks and roasted in oil. But mashed no. And Instant?? Definitely not!!!!
Happy FB day.
What? You guys have instant sweet potatoes? Nothing like that here in Africa, but just sticking them in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes tastes great!
You are so blessed to have your children in your life. It is heartwarming for me that you realize how lucky you are and are able to cherish the small moments together.
What cute pics! Instant sweet potatoes? ugh.
Hehe, the "author's privilege." Family time truly is the best and I love the photos you took of your kiddos--they are very fortunate to have gone snorkeling! :-)
Have a Lovely Day ~ Sandy
My husband is a huge sweet potato fan, but even he doesn't like the instant kind. You are definitely not alone on that one. :)
instant sweet potatoes? hmmm. i dunno. lol good morning SITSas.=)
We adore sweet potatoes in my household. I've never seen or eaten instant ones. Yikes. Enjoy your SITS day.
Instant sweet potatoes? Never knew there was such a thing. Glad you had a wonderful family time. I pray that there would be many more before the seasons of life take you in another direction.
I'm not sure I'd be willing to try instant sweet potatoes actually.. hmm..
you're right...they will look back with good memories of these days. :)
Instant sweet potatoes? Hmmm...interesting. :) Stopping by from SITS!
My oldest is heading off to college this year, but she'll still be living at home.
I've never seen instant sweet potatoes! I've seen pancake batter in a spray can, but never instant sweet potatoes.
Keep making family memories. :-)
Sweet story. Good reminder to stop and smell the roses (about the sweaty sock left everywhere - I have twin 16 year old boys)! Happy SITS!
My teen is a senior this year so I will be experiencing a lot of these "savor the moments" too.
If you are talking about the frozen ones that you moosh up, then yes they are icky.
My eldest is fifteen and I know soon enough, she'll be off to college.
I'm going to miss the nights together, even when we're in separate rooms, watching TV. At least I know she's close.
What a great memories & times to share as a family.
My son will be graduating next year and moving on. I feel what you are going through. They grow up so fast don't they? Btw, my son loves instant sweet potatoes.
I try to instill in my kids at the ages of 5 & 7 that dinner time is very important family time.
Family time is nice!
I love family time and find that American Idol brings us together...amazing that a tv show does that. We really miss it when it is over in May! Now we are watching America's Got Talent.
Ewww! Instant sweet potatoes - that is just wrong! I have a senior graduating this June too- time juft flies by!
What a lovely evening!
Hey, a fellow Ghost Hunters fan! I used to watch them with one of my girls and you're right, even something as simple as sharing the fun of watching this sppoky programme is a lovely memory to have. She must be away at college now - hope everything's going fine for her (and that you're holding up OK)! :)
Ohh, Jamaica. One of my favorite Caribbean islands! Glad you have such a wonderful memory of your time there.
AH yes, we will. I have one going off to college, and she's already moved out. I also have one being born in January.
What a great post! I loved the pictures of the girls!
Happy SITS day!
Instant sweet potatoes?! I have never heard of them, but I don't think I would like that! Family time is the best!
I love the family dinner thing together. I seriously think that helps keep families together these days. Time goes so quickly and time together is precious so enjoy those moments! Have a great SITS day.
So awesome to be able to find time together. We have Friday Family Fun Night (my husband likes alliteration), and I hope that my now 9 and 12 kids still are into it when they're older. I am suspecting we'll have to switch it to another night once they hit high school, though!
awww.. it is never a bad time to bond with the family!
and yeah, anything don't trust anything "instant". it's either they taste gross or they taste way gross. but how sweet of hubby to always cook for the family.
Eating meals together is one of the most satisfying things a family can do...do not let (life) invade that precious time! Great Site!
I love having family time. I am lucky and get to stay home with our 2 year old son while my husband works and schools full time. Every second is so precious to us. Enjoy it while they are all still home! What an example you are to the rest of us.
Sweet potatoes are bad by themselves but instant have got to be really bad. Too bad the kids grow up so fast, huh?
It gets harder to find time together as the children get older doesn't it? So important.
Instant sweet potatoes? Something is so wrong with that.
I love sweet family moments!
And instant sweet potatoes sound nasty. Good for you for at least trying them!
God is GOOD! I am blessed with small silly moments with my boys all the time. Sometimes we'll all dance in the living room and video tape it. Hilarious! Congrats to your daughter going off to college!
LOL...mashed sweet potatoes.
Mmmm...sweet potatoes:) I love family time:)
Happy SITS day.
Ugh. I do not think I would eat instant mashed sweet potatoes either. Now regular sweet potatoes are one of my favorite treats. Right next to apples. This goat loves apples.
Praise God for the gift of family.
Family Fun is the best!! Enjoy your FB day.
Mission trip to Jamaica! How wonderful! We have friends living in Jamaica doing missions too.
Although my little ones are very small still, I am looking forward to this kind of hanging out family time that doesn't involve me running around taking care of everyone's needs! Ah...Someday.
BlogBaby's BabyMama
P.S. I love love love all of the great inspirational quotes on your blog! Simply Fab.
I know the day is coming but it will be all too quick. They are all practically the same age too so methinks I may have a severe case of Empty Nest Syndrome on the horizon. But, as you say, it is how it should be. :O) xx
p.s. The secret to mashed sweet potatoes is plenty of cooking in a mild stock and then drain and mash with plenty of butter, a little salt and pepper and a tiny amount of milk. Just incase you ever fancy giving it another go! :O) x
Awww that is sweet!
And I actually like those instant sweet potatoes!
Your vacation looks fabulous. And I agree about the dinner with family. I try to have that time be just for my son and I no matter how crazy things are.
Love that kind of family time. Why is it so hard to come by?
We always try and have a 'family dinner' too! My 3 girls are all under 8 but are starting to get active and it's hard to find time for all of us together when we are running from one activity to another. And I find we hardly ever get pictures of them together too, thanks for the reminder to do that more often.
Jamie :)
Eating together is a great goal! We do well with that most of the time as well. We also try to have family prayer at night before bed, which has been a great blessing. Life is tough and schedules tend to run us instead! I love your focus and dedication to your family and hope that I can maintain mine as well! Congrats on the SITS feature!
Adopt a 'Do - Cute Girls Hairstyles
I wish my husband cooked dinner more often.
But he does make a mean pancake breakfast on the weekends.
How sweet and certainly something we all should be more thankful for!
Trying to wrap my brain around instant sweet potatoes.
Congrats on your SITS feature!
We are another American Idol lovin' family. :)
I am such a long way from this right now, it's hard to imagine....
That's so awesome that you can have that sweet family time. More families should be like that.
I hope that when I have kids, my family will be able to do that.
Happy SITS day!
I love family time! Making lots of memories... :)
Love that you try to eat dinner together as a family. Having family time together is one of the reasons I started my blog...to encourage mommies and families to create special moments b/c time flies by so quickly!
We like to make sure we can eat together too; it just gives us time with each other we wouldn't ordinarily have. Time to talk with each other, even though our 7 year old usually is talking his little head off the whole time.:)LOL
Isn't it amazing how fast time flies....
Is she traveling far from home for college?
Beautiful! I'm glad you can look on this time with a grateful heart and even when that tear falls after your oldest goes to college, you can know it is a happy one!
I love those special moments too! I'm trying to enjoy my "small" family time now... can't wait until we have kids to enjoy it with!
But still.. I'll enjoy the time we have now too!
Family time really is the best time!
I'm with you on the sweet potato thing! Eww! We've always tried to eat together as a family until my hubby started having to work 2nd shift. That seriously cuts into family time but I'm just thankful he's got a job!
Coming by from SITS! I love that there are still families eating dinner together - And husbands cooking whether he made instant sweet potatoes or not!
Visiting from SITS - sounds like a great evening with your family! That is great that your family gets to eat dinner so often together : )
Just droppin' by from SITS :) I love the quote on your header...that's such a great perspective and so true! Thanks for the lil' bit of inspiration today!
Any family time is good family time- we are American Idol fans too!
family times are awswome...
a child graduating and off to college. wow. wow. I'll have to check back and see how that is handled so I know what to do!
They grow up so fast hehe Happy Sits Day my friend :)
Sometimes it's those simple, everyday moments that make things worth everything. My mom used to take us every friday for "donut day" before school when I was in middle & high school. I'll always remember it, and I can't wait to build those memories w/my son.
We aim to have dinner together as a family every night as well - something I'm also proud of.
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