After an afternoon and night of snow and wind, here's the results.
This is the door the dogs use. Hope they don't have to go out today.
Seriously, we have another door that leads to the back yard. Mother nature was good enough to keep part of the yard cleared out just for them.
Jake loves the snow, the other two - not so much. That's Jake in the upper right side of the picture.
We got about 10 inches of snow, it's 5 degrees and the wind chill takes us well below zero.
Even the deer is burying his head.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for getting my family home safely and keeping us warm all night. The first snow storm of the season can be so exciting, a new adventure.
But there are some who do not have a warm home to go to. I pray you will give them relief from the frigid temperatures. Give them a warm place to stay and hot food to eat.

Prayed that thoughtful prayer with you. As I was eating breakfast with my son, we prayed for those who are hungry. So many in needs out there. May God help them. Glad you made it home. Having snow only up in the mountains, I love those pictures, though and think it's neat to have it right there in your backyard! I am thinking 'making angels' and 'snowball fights'...God bless. Stay warm!
Oh my goodness look at that snow! I am a little jealous but a little not. That much snow would close our schools for a week and I don't think I can handle that. We have high high winds today and it's suppose to start snowing here soon, but not much just a few flurries I do believe! Hope you stay warm and your dogs do too! Zoey doesn't like the snow either, but Charley loves it! Take Care:)
Even though we may be separated by the miles our hearts were in sync with our prayers for warmth for those that don't have any. May we open our homes and offer a meal or even a passing cup of tea or hot chocolate to the mail person delivering our mail. Life can be good!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
I live in Wisconsin and it looks the same here. But it is still snowing and blowing. They are telling us 4-5 more inches!!
Wow! You got WALLOPED!!! Every time it snows I am the deck attendant for my 4 legged children. They have their own little doggy door that leads into the yard, where I maintain paths for their peeing & pooping pleasure. My shovel is on the deck from DAY 1 of snow until the season ends... March, April....
Actually I love to shovel snow. xoxo
Thanks for the photos. It looks the same at our house. I got snowed in and did not go to work.
Thank you for your prayer for those who are not as warm and comfortable as we are.
Praising GOD you and all of yours got home safely. Now, you could send it my way.
Yuck, glad you are home safe and sound!
Wow. That's a lot of snow in such a short amount of time. So glad ya'll are safe.
Wow, that is some crazy snow! It reminds me of the years I lived in Colorado...I loved that snow:)
I am thankful as well that you and your family made it home safely!
Thank you for visiting my blog, and welcoming me so warmly!
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