
Monday, September 21, 2009

Should I or Shouldn't I

I did.....and I can't believe I did it.

Both dd's wanted to get their cartilage pierced and some how I got talked into too.  

What do you think...pretty cool huh????


Mary said...

love it!! wasn't the crunch kind of freaky!!??

Mine would not heal!! bummer!! I want to try it again!! :)

Ina in Alaska said...

will there be colorful streaks in your hair next??? xoxo

momstheword said...

Well, I think it's fun and cute but did it hurt?????

momstheword said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
momstheword said...

I accidentally posted twice which is why I removed the other comment, lol!

Formerly known as Frau said...

You are brave I hear the hurts alot!!

Heart2Heart said...

It looks great but I am too chicken to try this. I notice the older I have gotten the less I wear my jewelry any more.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat said...

That looks so cute!

jules said...

I'm too chicken to try that. Looks cute.

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

I nominate you for Mom of the Year! How cool! :)

Suz said...

Ow! My hair covers my ears so no one would see it. AND I am a big chicken. I had my ears pierced 40 years ago. My courage has dwindled.