Anyway, Little K did turn 16 with or with out a post and because her birthday was on a Sunday she had to wait an entire extra day (a week in the life of a teen) to get her drivers license. And the wait was extended even more when she realized she had band camp in the morning and had to wait until after lunch to go to the DMV.
We get to the DMV at 1:15, after sitting there for about 20 minutes we were informed that the wait could be as long as 4 hours. I'm not sure how that breaks down in "teen time" but by the look on her face it wasn't good. The DMV had recently gone up on a new system and new procedures. Throw in the fact that the computers went down in the morning and that the public was not prepare with the proper identifcation it made for a long wait.
But we persisted and just 3 short hours later we had this:
She doesn't look a bit excited does she????
Pretty much by the time we got home it was time for her to leave for the 2nd half of band camp.
No problem for her, she just hoped right in. Of course she told me I was embarrassing her her with the camera but isn't that what we're supposed to be doing?

The problem was with mom. As I watched her drive away (alone) I fought back the tears. The tears of joy-my baby is healthy and able to drive on her own. And tears of just being a mom-my baby is healthy and able to drive away on her own.

Lord protect her each time she gets behind the wheel of a car. Give her wisdom to make the right decisions and keep her from harm. I can no longer be with her all of the time to keep her safe but I find comfort knowing you ARE there all of the time.
Happy Birthday Little K.
Pretty much by the time we got home it was time for her to leave for the 2nd half of band camp.
No problem for her, she just hoped right in. Of course she told me I was embarrassing her her with the camera but isn't that what we're supposed to be doing?
The problem was with mom. As I watched her drive away (alone) I fought back the tears. The tears of joy-my baby is healthy and able to drive on her own. And tears of just being a mom-my baby is healthy and able to drive away on her own.
Lord protect her each time she gets behind the wheel of a car. Give her wisdom to make the right decisions and keep her from harm. I can no longer be with her all of the time to keep her safe but I find comfort knowing you ARE there all of the time.
Happy Birthday Little K.
Happy 16th to your daughter...AND congrats on getting her license! I remember when Brittany got hers and I, too, cried when she drove away. This is yet another step in letting go...and it isn't easy!
Oh the joys and fears of the new young driver!! Be safe young lady and Happy Sweet 16!!! Now we have a new set of eyes on the road to spot cool Nebraska license plates!!! :D
PS took me a moment to figure out your comments is on the top ....
hi; I just found your blog; happy belated birthday to your daughter! such an important one with turning 16!
congrats to her for getting her license!! she (and you when you get used to her driving alone) will welcome the independence (plus it frees up a lot of your time)
I love that you prayed for her as she drove away. When my now 20 y/o son was still in high school and, of course driving, as he left every morning, after I saw him out the front door, I used to always say "Lord watch over him today; please protect him (and help him get to school on time since he was always a last minuter)"
I look forward to getting to know more about you
such a sweet post. i'm proud of you both for reaching such a big milestone in your lives! i hope you both enjoy the journey of growth.
Happy 16th to your daughter!
Tania (via SITS)
Your daughter is beautiful!
Happy belated birthday and Amen to the prayer.
Sweet 16! Happy Birthday!
happy birthday and don't worry, she still needs you!
Oh, the joys of youth, enjoy!
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