I did the Flylady thing and prepared my lunch the night before, grilled chicken breast, a little bit of bbq sauce and cauliflower. Now it's the morning of, I reach in to grab my lunch and it's not there. Now if I didn't have a million containers in the frig that ALL look alike maybe I could find something easier but that's another post.
As I am opening each and every container (you can see through these container but yet I couldn't seem to figure out what was in them with out lifting the lead. Some I wished I would have left closed - guess I'll be cleaning out the frig this weekend). Anyway, I opened a container that had left over sausage from Saturday's breakfast. Oh the aroma, it smelt soooo good, even cold. I remembered back to Saturday morning when we had them and how good it tasted.
Please don't tell me I'm the only one that goes back in time thinking about the food I love.
All of a sudden I had the bad Sheryl on one shoulder holding a red pitch fork saying "go on, throw it in the microwave, no ones home, who'll know". On the other shoulder was the good Sheryl dressed in white saying, "don't do it, you don't even know who to count the calories or fat in it."
I picked up a piece, closed my eyes and stuck it in my mouth. The bad Sheryl was jumping for joy as I was savoring that piece of sausage. The good Sheryl grabbed the container, slammed the lid back on and threw the container back in the frig.
I stood up and what do you think I found starring me in the face, my grilled chicken now sitting on the top shelf, easy to reach. I'm just sure it wasn't there when I started this who temptation thing.
With one more pound to go before I hit the 20 pounds lost goal, I'm glad I didn't let the bad Sheryl win.
Thank you dear Father, I know when we are faced with temptation you always provide a way out, we just need to look for it. Thank you for helping me to win this particular battle with food. You gave us great food to enjoy not to abuse as I have done. Amen.

Yay! Good for you for resisting the temptation!
Wow good for you girl! You are a strong women! Congrats on your loss! how is your exchange student doing?
You are DEFINITELY not alone... no one knows how the PULL of temptation is when you're struggling - especially on those last few pounds!
Keep up the good work!!!!
Go you! Each moment like that is a great victory! :D xo
Congrats Sheryl on reaching for the chicken instead AND for the loss of pounds!!! I like how you keep this journey so real.
It wasn't the way I wanted to lose, but I lost half of the weight I have been wanting to lose during this summer, but now to keep it off and continue.xo
What a great story. You are so inspiring.
Hi Sheryl! So good to hear from you!
I have a few weight loss goals, too. Seems like I'll do great for a couple of weeks, then give into temptation ONE TIME and it brings all of those bad habits back. Trying to get back on the wagon.....but it's so hard!
Way to go on nearing the 20 pound loss mark! I am so incredibly excited for you! I know how hard it is to do what you are doing. Rely on Him to get you through those tough times of temptation and he'll turn that mountain into a molehill! Easy to say, but sometimes hard to do! :)
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