
Thursday, September 30, 2010

The One and Only

I started a new Beth Moore Bible study called "Jesus, The One and Only."  It's a 10 week study on the life of Jesus.

A couple of days before the study began my sister challenge me to our own version of the Biggest Loser, this contest will last 10 weeks. 

When I was listening to the introduction to the Bible study I couldn't believe it was 10 weeks, the same 10 weeks as my weight loss challenge with my sis.  Is that a coincidence - I'll keep you updated.

Once I accepted the challenge to lead a small group of women through this study on a weekly basis I started to pray.  I prayed that God would move me aside and let the Holy Spirit take over the discussion time. 

The first week came and went for the study, I was able to get my daily reading and mediation in.  We didn't break into groups that first week.  The second week - not so good.  Life got out of control and I didn't even crack the book.  By the time we meet again I was so exausted from the work week I couldn't even go.  Fast forward to last Tuesday, I so wanted to be the best leader I could be.  I wanted to be ready for this lesson, have an outline and know what way to lead this women during the discussion time.  Tuesday night was a disaster. 

We already had a stressful week ahead of us.  We were having carpet put in L's room and we had to rip out the old carpet and paint before Thursday morning.  I set the DVR to record the Biggest Loser and go into my bedroom to study and prepare for my Bible study group that is meeting the next night. 

Big K stopped by the house, she rarely stops by during the week.  She was hungry for both food and conversation - and she turned the television on LOUD.  After talking to her for a few minutes, I turned back to my studies only to have Little K and L come home from Cheeri-o camp.  If I thought Big K was loud - she didn't hold a candle to them.  B was in L's room painting, not being a big painting fan you can imagine some of the tension in the house. 

I kept thinking, "I've got to get ready for this bible study" but it wasn't happening.  I texted a friend venting about the nights events and how frustrated I was, finally I gave up and closed my Bible and my study book. 

The next morning as I was laying in bed thinking about how unprepared I was and God layed a heavy thought upon my heart.  He reminded my that I had been praying for Him to move me aside and let the Holy Spirit lead the discussion and that's what He did.  He moved me aside by not letting me prepare as I wanted to so that I had to rely on Him. 

Later that day God presented me with a Bible verse:

"A fool vents all his feelings but a wise man holds them back."
Proverbs 29:11

I have to say I felt quit convicted.

The Bible study went great last night and I am no longer going to worry about being prepared - He already is.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My First Temptation....

No, it not the first temptation that has been set in front of me, I have those all of the time.  But this morning had my first temptation that I was able to resist.  I don't know when the last time I walked away from food when it called my name.

I did the Flylady thing and prepared my lunch the night before, grilled chicken breast, a little bit of bbq sauce and cauliflower.  Now it's the morning of, I reach in to grab my lunch and it's not there.  Now if I didn't have a million containers in the frig that ALL look alike maybe I could find something easier but that's another post.  

As I am opening each and every container (you can see through these container but yet I couldn't seem to figure out what was in them with out lifting the lead.  Some I wished I would have left closed - guess I'll be cleaning out the frig this weekend).  Anyway, I opened a container that had left over sausage from Saturday's breakfast.  Oh the aroma, it smelt soooo good, even cold.  I remembered back to Saturday morning when we had them and how good it tasted.  

Please don't tell me I'm the only one that goes back in time thinking about the food I love.  

All of a sudden I had the bad Sheryl on one shoulder holding a red pitch fork saying "go on, throw it in the microwave, no ones home, who'll know".  On the other shoulder was the good Sheryl dressed in white saying, "don't do it, you don't even know who to count the calories or fat in it."  

I picked up a piece, closed my eyes and stuck it in my mouth.  The bad Sheryl was jumping for joy as I was savoring that piece of sausage. The good Sheryl grabbed the container, slammed the lid back on and threw the container back in the frig.   

I stood up and what do you think I found starring me in the face, my grilled chicken now sitting on the top shelf, easy to reach.  I'm just sure it wasn't there when I started this who temptation thing.  

With one more pound to go before I hit the 20 pounds lost goal, I'm glad I didn't let the bad Sheryl win.  

Thank you dear Father, I know when we are faced with temptation you always provide a way out, we just need to look for it.  Thank you for helping me to win this particular battle with food.  You gave us great food to enjoy not to abuse as I have done.  Amen.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I can finally change it......

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Ok, it took me 22 weeks but I can finally change the tag on the sidebar to read "15 Pounds Lost". 

I was really hoping to be at my goal weight for Big K's  wedding in May but it was moved up to January 1, 2011.  Don't think it's going to happen.  What I am trying for is a total lose of 40 pounds by the wedding. 

I consider myself a professional dieter, I know all of the do's and don'ts (or at least I thought I did), I just don't practice what I preach. 

I found this website call SparkPeople, it's sort of like the weight watchers online program but its FREE.  I have been playing around with it and tracking nutrition and physical activity from time to time.  Just can't seem to get myself motavated enough.  After all, if I'm tracking what I eat I have two choice, neither of which I'm to fond of:

1.  I have to write down every thing I eat, or
2.  I can't eat it.

Now that makes a person start to think before you make that unplanned trip through McDonalds.  I'm admit, I'm weak I LOVE their french fries.  I'm not sure I want to think :p

My sis is doing her second round of "Biggest Loser" at work.  She came in 2nd place during the last round losing by a pound I think.  She is taking this serious and I am very proud of her.  Until....

she actually asked me if I wanted to join the challenge between her and me!  Now that means I have to get serious - I don't like losing to my little sis. 

I have to admit, it really is scary.  I think of all of the negative stuff right away and soon have myself convenced that I will never be able to eat the foods I love ever again.  Now we all know that's not true - but our minds can play such tricks on us. 

I've been working out and slowly taking some weight off but now I need to step it up.  I have been getting encouragemnt all over, I sure it's God telling me to get up off my fanny and take my health seriously. 

So, I am going to take this seriously.  I know I will fall and whine (please bear with me) but I will pick myself up and move on.  It won't be easy, not only is there the physical weight to take off but I also have a lot of mental clutter to over come as well.  I have to change how I think about food and exercise. 

Won't you join me on this journey to a healthier life?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pictures that make you go "Hummm"

 Fed Ex delievers to the UPS Store????

Maybe it's me but I'm thinking the windows are a little low.