
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Results Are In

    It has been 10 weeks since I joined Family Life Fitness and started Boot Camp classes and it has been just as much a challenge mentally as it has been physically. When it comes to exercising my body my mind is just as weak. I did the easiest levels for the longest time; I realized I was there physically not mentally. I was there because I need to get in shape, because that's where I thought I should be.  If Big K didn't go – I considered it a vacation – she was gone for a week at a time – twice….yeah for me, right?

No, not yeah for me, I was only hurting myself. As time has gone by I am finding I don't mind sweating so much (I've gotten smarter now and bring a small towel with me). I am finding that I am starting to push myself further and enjoying the burn…..what's up with that? I've discovered a class called N-ferno; it's a step aerobics class – I Love It. I'm not very coordinated at it right now but I Love It. 

This gym is a fairly new gym. They are remodeling and still working on getting the equipment. Some of the cardio equipment arrived this last weekend. I am so excited to get on the treadmill, elliptical, and start working out more on the weights. Gee maybe I can make this a life style change. 

Family Lift Fitness isn't just about exercise they are full circle and also include nutrition classes (personal one-on-one if needed). I wouldn't consider myself real faithful to the work outs in the last 10 weeks even though it definitely more then I would have been doing by oh say 100%, but I have been even worse on the nutrition side. I know what I need and should eat vs. what I need to leave alone but I just don't seem to do it. I love food. I am currently working more on "Eating to Live instead of Living to Eat" vs. strict nutrition guidelines. I'm noticing that as I am working on this philosophy some of my food choices are getting better without much thought from me. 

So with a half heartedness attempt at working out and a quarter heartedness (don't know if that's a true term but it is now) attempt at nutrition, the results are in:

-1.0# in body weight
-3.4% body fat
-1.25" in my arm
-3" in my chest
-3.5" in my waist
-2.5" in my hips
-1.25" in my thighs
-8.3# total body fat
+7.3# muscle
Total inches lost -11.50

I am so excited; I even joined the 30 day challenge for the month of August. So is it working yes….consistency and baby steps. 

Slow and steady wins the race.




C-Joy said...

That is FANTASTIC!!!! Go You :-D

Traci said...

Wow, that's just amazing. Awesome numbers!

Suz said...

Good for you.

You are more successful than I have been. I have been to the gym once in the last 3 weeks. My excuses are good but still excuses.

Your blog will inspire me, I hope!