
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Check'em out

I've been MIA for awhile, I would like to apologize for that.  I know it's pretty disappointing to take time to visit a blog and the author hasn't updated in quite some time.

The new job is going pretty good.  It's an entirely new venue for me so I have had to work on not getting frustrated with myself for not knowing what I'm doing. 

This last week has been very busy, I worked till 5:00-5:15 every day, had VBS from 6:00-8:30 getting home around 9:00, prepared for a garage sale to be held on Friday and Saturday, and also try to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.   As you can tell, I've lived through the week to tell about it.

This week is not as busy but already has given me lots to ponder.  While in the shower Monday night I found a lump, it was hard, red, and sore.  Logic is telling me that this needs attention but that it's probably nothing to worry about, I'll call the doctor in the morning.  My heart however didn't feel the same way, my mother passed away at my age from cancer.  Mind you it was lung cancer and she lived a different lifestyle then I do, but the fear still crept in.  I don't do my self exams very often, I wasn't doing one Monday night, I think I noticed because it was painful. 

I called the doctor's office Tuesday morning and was blessed with an opening first thing.  Come to find out it was an abscessed cyst in the need of draining.  After a small procedure in the doctors office (I won't go into details) I walked out with a lighter heart.

What have I learned:  not to take life for granted, don't jump to conclusions (we'll see how long it takes to master that one), perform my monthly self-breast exams, and live each day to the fullest.  Life can change in the matter of seconds and we don't always get a second chance.

When's the last time you did your monthly self-breast exam?  Click HERE to read more about self-breast exams.

Check out the girls - monthly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010're leaving with out me ! ! !

My new adventure (job) puts me on the road from time to time.  It's great,  it gets me out of the office and let me catch up on some reading (via books on CD).

Monday we went to Sioux City, Iowa (about a 2 1/2 hour drive) for some business.  On the way back we stopped at this Diary Queen for some dinner before we began our journey home.

I was very proud of myself, I wasn't hungry so I chose to get a drink and visit.  After we were done we headed home, it was becoming a long day.  

We got back to the office about 7:15 p.m. I reached into the back of the car to retrieve my purse - AND IT WASN'T THERE ! ! !  Yup, it was sitting back in Iowa - I'm sure it was just screaming at me when we pulled out of the parking lot, "Hey,'re leaving with out me ! ! !"  Unfortunately it wasn't screaming loud enough.  

Once back to the office I had the task of trying to figure out WHICH Diary Queen we had stopped at. I'm sure after I spoke with each one they thought I was a weird, irresponsible lady from who knows where but I have to admit, while they were on the phone with me they were very nice and tried to help as much as possible.  After only four calls I found my Dairy Queen, come to find out I wasn't in Sioux City I was in Sergeant Bluffs - that would be why I couldn't find the phone number, I was looking under the wrong city....oops.

I wish I could have seen B's face when I called him and asked if he would like to take a road trip, especially when it was already 7:30 and it was a five hour round trip.  Because he is so wonderful - he agreed.  God however was on his side, after doing the calculations there was no way we would make it there before they closed - plan B (what is plan B?)

As it ends up Little K's cheer coach took pity on me and excused her from practice Tuesday morning so she could drive her absent minded mom 2 1/2 hours to retrieve her purse. 

So, at 6:45 a.m. we started our journey.

This would be Little K's first long drive, on the interstate, through a large city during morning rush hour with a mother that was just say - may a little nervous.
However, as you can see - she has no fears.
She did a great job.  In the beginning she was determined to drive the five hour round trip herself, about 30 minutes from our destination she was was looking forward to switching places.  She now has a whole new respect for B when he drives.

We didn't travel alone, we took "Point of Grace" and the cast of "Wicked" with us to keep us entertained and of course we took some nourishment.

Awww, we finally arrive, I am soon to be reunited with my purse.

Hello friend, can you ever forgive me?

My purse was a little disgruntled at first.  It knows I am not faithful solely to it,  there are many purses in my life, but it didn't count and being left behind.

On our way back (ok out of the parking lot) we saw this building - if you can call it a building.  

Later on down the interstate we saw this poor unfortunate site, I hope no one was hurt.  Look close to the left of the picture, there is a semi on it's side.

With our beverages and sunflower seeds in hand we jammed down the road.  What a relief it was to see this:

Little K, the one that was going to drive the five hour round trip fell asleep shortly after seeing that we were back in Nebraska.  She was out until I pulled up to the office - over an hour later :) 

Thank you Little K for covering for your mom - I love you.

We were very blessed on this journey - both Monday and Tuesday threatened us with storms during travel that never came.  We traveled to and from with no incidents, my purse was found and everything intact. 

As Forest Gump once said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get."  

This was a piece of chocolate I would have rather not found :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Famly Affair

 I just told the neighbor across the street that I would commit to having a garage sale in two weeks.  We have been talking about it and actually starting to go through some boxes but now it's real, I have actually set a date.

Worked in the the bedroom closet tonight, once the extras are gone it will be great to have my closet back - floor and all.  Once cleaned out I am determined to keep my closet as a closet and not a catch all. 

The next two weeks are going to be very busy now that I've committed to this garage sale, learning a new job, helping at VBS, and continuing to learn the routines at boot camp.  But with God's grace and the support of my family I know I can come out on the other end shinning.  

My adventure of getting more fit and losing weight has become a family affair.  All four of us are now attending boot camp and butts & gutts classes.  I'm the only one that really needs to lose weight but even the girls who are already fit have found out there are still muscles in their body that they have not been introduced too.  As a family we are also taking baby steps to eater better as well, our latest discovery has been sweet potatoes.  

The sweet potato is rich in Vitamin A ) beta-carotene and Vitamin C.  Both vitamins A and C are powerful antioxidants that work in the body to remove free radicals, this free radicals are chemicals that damage cell.  They are also good for stomach ulcers and inflamed conditions of the colon.  Click HERE to read about more benefits of the sweet potato. 

For both myself and B sweet potatoes were something our mothers made and we never touched.  I have baked them like baked potatoes and have sliced them and baked them with olive oil.  B and I have discovered we do like them, Big K as eaten some (I'm sure it was just to humor us) and Little K seems to manage to be gone every time there on the menu - hummm what's up with that?

I neither lost or gained weight this last week and since I haven't been to the gym since Wednesday and not watching real close what I've been eating - I'll take it.  Tomorrow is a new day and the beginning of a new week - the sky's the limit.

At the end of the next two weeks I hope to be:
Richer - yeah right (but at least I'll have less clutter in the house)
And more comfortable in my job.